BRITEIROS: Burocratas duma figa... <$BlogRSDUrl$>

sábado, agosto 06, 2005

Burocratas duma figa...

Segundo o jornal inglês The Sun, decotes serão proibidos por Bruxelas.
"The ruling is part of the new Optical Radiation Directive — expected to be rubber-stamped by the EU parliament next month.
Germans are already frothing over the new law — because bars in Bavaria have been forced to comply in advance."


"This is European law-making at its most pedantic," said Munich's mayor, Christian Ude. "A waitress is no longer allowed to wander round a beer garden with a plunging neckline. I would not want to enter a beer garden under these conditions."

Nessas condições futuras até a cerveja deve saber mal...

:: enviado por RC :: 8/06/2005 02:43:00 da tarde :: início ::
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